
Louloubelle0312 t1_j0gl2xm wrote

As someone who has had a hysterectomy, due to endo, I assure you, the pain goes away. The outside the uterus thing is the endometrial tissue migrating outside the uterus. When I had my hysterectomy, they removed that tissue from the organs it had settled on. Once I healed, because you will have to have an abdominal hysterectomy, your life will change.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0gku13 wrote

Because women aren't important. We're supposed to just "suck it up", and stop whining, because "it's natural". At least that's the attitude I received from the time I started seeing a doctor around 18 until I finally got my hysterectomy at 49. Best thing ever. I had endometriosis, and I don't know if diagnosis has changed in the last 13 years, but when I had it, the only way to diagnose it was surgery.