
Menacingamaranth OP t1_j8ejznz wrote

Reply to comment by StartMaze in [OC] Job Search by Menacingamaranth

Sort of. I’m in horticulture and the job descriptions vary a lot, requirements are often flexible, depends on if it’s government, private, nonprofit and I applied to all three. One thing I’m missing is a horticulture degree and some professional development. However I have a ton of work experience in it and a biology degree. So basically what I’ve had to do in resume and interviews is really explicitly detail the techniques and coursework I have under my belt to fill out the lack of hort degree.


Menacingamaranth OP t1_j8eafyp wrote

My job search in a major city with COL 10% higher than national average. Highlighted cell is my current position salary. I over-applied because I didn't realize the extent of my qualifications. I used SankeyMATIC to generate and excel/word to add cells (sorry don’t know how to do otherwise)