Orangefan71 t1_iqx8eal wrote
Reply to comment by littylikeatit in next stop, can we ban the golocalprov posts? by ryanfingawesome
Some people just hold their personal grudges, for whatever reason. It's totally human, but the rest of the world has no need for your drama especially when they become as obsessive as this. Live and let live, folks. I don't understand why that's so difficult for some.
Orangefan71 t1_iqx75uj wrote
Reply to comment by FasterThanJaws in next stop, can we ban the golocalprov posts? by ryanfingawesome
Yeah imagine that.
Orangefan71 t1_iqxb64a wrote
Reply to comment by anal_gland_expressor in next stop, can we ban the golocalprov posts? by ryanfingawesome
LOL coming from the chick named after a dog's anus.