
PaulitoTuGato t1_iztq147 wrote

I was born in 86 and wasn’t interested in politics until more recently. It is a complicated system that I still don’t fully understand. What is your opinion on mail in ballots? I didn’t vote that way, I don’t know how they look or how they are counted. If you have any insight I would appreciate it. It seems plausible to me that these could be some of the ballots you mentioned having to be inspected by a person?


PaulitoTuGato t1_iztku63 wrote

I think I understand what you are saying. My point was that when two separate counts don’t add up the same sum, most people would count again to at least try to verify the first or second count. I dunno, that’s what I would do. Maybe they should recount the ballots that changed the outcome of the original count a month ago?


PaulitoTuGato t1_iztiws1 wrote

If I counted 123 grapes and upon counting again I had 124 grapes, I’d have to count at least a third time, to feel confident in my count. With such a close discrepancy, I might count a total of 5 times to feel confident in the count. I know it doesn’t shed a good light on our voting systems. The damage has already been done.


PaulitoTuGato t1_isq45w2 wrote

It’s so that the water moves off the sidewalk and into the street where they have drainage next to the curb. The street also pitches down from the center towards the curb. Although it might not seem great when it gets really cold, when properly cleaned and salted it definitely helps in drying the sidewalk. Watch out for anything metal on the sidewalk, I’ve almost busted my ass a few times walking on metal lids in the winter!
