
RafeDangerous t1_itkpmkp wrote

They will in Troast's town, which I expect is his main concern here as leader of the "republican club". Pompton Lakes has a republican mayor, council, and majority on the school board (and I believe that may be a clean sweep for them after this election too). IIRC the town overall went trump both times, and is a reliable source of support for republican senate and congressional candidates. Tbh, a significant number of those people in local positions are very moderate republicans, and in some cases I think it's a "flag of convenience" since it's pretty close to impossible to get elected if you're not carrying an "R" next to your name. There have been more extreme candidates creeping in though, which is probably inevitable when you play that game.


RafeDangerous t1_itkosbp wrote

> They don't believe any of that

I've seen people literally using some of those exact talking points to defend this specific guy, and to attack democratic candidates for the school board in Pompton Lakes. Clearly not all republicans believe this, but let's not pretend it's entirely made up.


RafeDangerous t1_itkoexw wrote

These weren't on public property, they were on the property of the carwash that you see in the surveillance video. Troast claims that it's a misunderstanding and that the carwash said he could take them down, but tbh that makes absolutely no sense because why would he be involved at all? If the carwash didn't want them there, they could take them down themselves. He did it because he thought he could get away with it and then got caught by surprise when they called him out on it.


RafeDangerous t1_ir13zz4 wrote

and yet you're getting pissy with people who do, rather than just saying "yeah, it's not really a protest, it's more of a rally for women's rights" or something. Basically, just being a dick where you don't need to be. Let me know how that works out for you with getting people to side with you on things.

Don't forget to downvote me again to show you how powerful you are!


RafeDangerous t1_ir00ah1 wrote

I've seen you make this point twice so far, maybe you should consider the possibility that your sarcastic answer is actually right? If you have to keep explaining it over and over, maybe it really would go over better if it were called a rally instead of a protest. A lot of people really don't see the point of protesting for a thing that most people in the area already agree on so how you brand something does actually matter.