Rexia2022 t1_j6mm7zo wrote
Studies show decriminalisation along with offering treatment to be the most effective way to deal with drug problems. Posturing about being tough on drugs has been a complete waste of money and police time for nothing more than a virtue signal.
Rexia2022 t1_j6l9do0 wrote
Reply to Canadian universities have been conducting joint research with Chinese military scientists for years by No-Drawing-6975
Everyone has been working with China for years. It was the right thing to do when China was opening up and giving more rights to it's citizens. Unfortunately Xi came along and put a stop to all that and now it's hard to divest from China.
Rexia2022 t1_j6gunui wrote
Reply to comment by flopsyplum in Ukraine calls for faster weapons supplies as Russia presses eastern offensive by redcccp
At best that takes the treads off, but we're talking about blunting a Russian offensive and you don't mine ahead of your offensive push for obvious reasons.
Rexia2022 t1_j6glssl wrote
Reply to comment by DarkWangster in Ukraine calls for faster weapons supplies as Russia presses eastern offensive by redcccp
You'd be amazed at the difference technological advantage makes. 10 to 1 numbers don't mean anything when nothing you have can damage the Challenger 2 coming right at you.
Rexia2022 t1_j6mw9qo wrote
Reply to France will consider training Ukrainian fighter jet pilots by ladyem8
Jets is going to be really difficult because of high training requirements to be useful in the way Ukraine wants. Russia has the fighters but still can't use them because their pilots simply aren't well trained enough to pull off SEAD/DEAD, so if they use them they just get obliterated by Ukrainian AA.
Ukraine won't be able to take control of it's skies either if it can't run SEAD/DEAD missions and the training requirement is extremely steep. Like, we need to get them training now so maybe they can do this next year, and that's assuming they learn as quickly on the jets as they did on the HIMARs.