
Sgthouse t1_ivh81wl wrote

Reply to comment by arraneagh in Write-in Candidates by arraneagh

Yes you did say you were doing research….and your only option was republicans. I don’t care who you vote for, that’s any individual’s own prerogative. It just irks me when someone immediately discounts a candidate because of their political party alone. Maybe that’s not what you meant to sound like, just seemed that way.


Sgthouse t1_ivh27o0 wrote

Reply to comment by Tully1022 in Write-in Candidates by arraneagh

Based on wording of the post, I’d assume republican is the only reason and OP knows nothing about the candidates.

That being said, regardless of R or D, if there’s only one candidate and you don’t like them, just leave it blank. You’re doing nothing by writing in a vote for Gil Gunderson.
