T_raltixx t1_j6ckhdt wrote
Reply to Son! Stop pulling on grandma! by dxmfa
Junji Ito?
T_raltixx t1_j2fa8da wrote
Reply to Is Manhunter worth watching by DarthJaxxon
Personally I hated it. A bad adaptation. Many people like it so I say give it a try.
T_raltixx t1_iu8likl wrote
There's a great film in there somewhere. It screams studio interference. They really didn't understand comic books being for adults and/or non-superhero. Great central performance.
T_raltixx t1_ja2lwmv wrote
Reply to comment by PhyterNL in Stephen Hawking with his wife Jane on their wedding day (1965) by lu44ik123
They divorced in 1995.