
t1_j3uef11 wrote

Reply to comment by in Business noise complaint by

The upside of this is that you will probably be able to unload the place without taking a big loss because there’s so much demand. But then you’ll be right back in the same boat, looking for a new place for yourself. That’s why I haven’t sold the house I bought in 2019 for a big profit


t1_j3cuc6q wrote

Reply to comment by in Speeding ticket by

I’m so sick of out of staters tailgating me. There’s no need for it! One of the perks of living here is the lack of traffic and the mellow pace, I don’t need a red or green plate 5 feet from my bumper when I’m already doing 5 over


t1_j36vcxo wrote

I was curious so I googled it, apparently there’s another smaller cave called spy cave, that’s what I was thinking of. The consensus seems to be that it was wartime paranoia coupled with an unsolved Jaffrey murder and people seeing lights on the mountain at night that led to the rumors. While improbable, I do think it would have been possible. On a clear day, I was able to see each individual building in Boston with the naked eye from the summit of Pack. All they would need is a powerful light (I picture the old timey one with shutters for Morse code) and an agreed on time of night


t1_j0n96na wrote

Hey hey pump the brakes, I’m your your side, I assume the guy you’re talking about thinks chowder has tomato in it. To be clear, I have never nor will ever even see a tomato based chowder never mind eat one. IMO the best chowder in the world is the seafood chowder from Larsen’sin Menemsha. It’s 100% cream based with whatever fresh catches of the day they decide to throw into it


t1_ixoznkp wrote

Reply to Axe makers? by

Don’t know about Vermont, but I’d like to get a Brant and Cochran axe, they’re made in Maine. Last time I looked, they were months out so I ended up getting a Hults Bruk at Farmway in Bradford, which I really like. Then I was at Kittery Trading Post and saw that they had Brant and Cochran’s in stock there


t1_ixm8qs1 wrote

We bought our house a few years ago and the previous owners installed a Yukon Husky furnace. It’s a combo oil/ wood furnace and it’s amazing. It’s forced hot air so it has a blower fan, and is hooked to a thermostat. When you have the time, you keep a fire going in the fire box and it sends the heat to all the registers in the house. If there’s no fire or it drops below a certain temp, the oil kicks on automatically and keeps it at the set temp. We’ve had to open windows when it really gets going


t1_ixm7lro wrote

The delivery guy once told me that’s all they do is put additive in when they fill, but they tack on a certain amount per gallon that ends up being way more than if you just bought the additive and regular oil. He showed me the jug and recommended I just do it myself


t1_iw371rk wrote

I do stonework but I live near Brattleboro. My buddy has a camp in NH up near Bradford though, I might consider doing some work up there just for an excuse to camp out for a while. I wouldn’t be available until early summer though, but I think you’ll find that with just about everyone at this point in the season. What kind of stonework do you need?