Warden4Lyfe t1_j1s1ffe wrote
Reply to comment by TheConeIsReturned in [Homemade] Ratatouille by mrs_catl8dy
Its pretty obviously tian
Warden4Lyfe t1_iyf95o3 wrote
Losing 80% on puts during a recession is so amazingly stupid
Its not like you did one bad trade this is many bad puts
Warden4Lyfe t1_iujzifi wrote
Reply to comment by intactful in keep holding, right? by intactful
Just sell? Then buy later?
Warden4Lyfe t1_j1stsv8 wrote
Reply to comment by TheConeIsReturned in [Homemade] Ratatouille by mrs_catl8dy
Very obviously Tian.