
Yourgrandsonishere t1_jcbutap wrote

Study seems legit to me. Could you link your source stating that the Arnold Foundation funded it. Anybody who funds a study will absolutely take a position on the matter, but skewing the numbers and being disingenuous isn't hard to figure out. A lot of the data is public lol. Go and find out if your theory holds.

This is one of their key findings from the study:
"Beyond the aforementioned overall takeaways, bail reform had varying
recidivism effects depending on people’s charges and recent criminal

This would support what some of your are saying. Bail reform isn't perfect but we needs these studies to be able to refine it. We are still disproportionately jailing minorities.

NYC has 8 million people accounted for, probably more. There will be crime, no if ands or buts, its just the way the world works.

But here we are on reddit, complaining as usual, sigh.


Yourgrandsonishere t1_j7dd48p wrote

Hip hop was born in the bronx, shich gave way to rap.

Dj’ing too and a lot more. They got the best Xoo and an amazing garden.

I won’t lie though, bx a little scary at times lmao, but BX is ingrained into NYC.

The list is much longer, maybe others can chime in.


Yourgrandsonishere t1_j7bly1b wrote

It certainly would’ve been an alternate NYC but its close proximity would’ve rendered it essentially the same.

Personally as someone who barely leaves Manhattan (and if I do I mostly go to the Bronx), Manhattan is the center.

That said, I have several fond memories of Brooklyn and have about 55 more years to make more!


Yourgrandsonishere t1_iueadkn wrote

In the grand scheme of things, we are not that important. Now I believe every human life is precious, but this world is unfair, always has been and always will be. Some people are more at risk because of the things they do whether your a gov official, law enforcement or even spys.

Who are we to be tracked? If anyone wants to track you, it’ll be someone inside your circle who is most likely not a cyber security expert.

There are bigger fishes to fry than barking at some security measure that has been in place for decades.

If anyone is hacking government technical infrastructure, it’ll most likely be another country.

What would china gain by hacking me?

Aside from it all, hacking isn’t even the big deal in all of this. There must be a more practical reason.

This is not a hill to die on but by all means do you.