amazingsandwiches t1_iwfcpwv wrote
Reply to comment by centrifuge_destroyer in Me in 1996 by spirylll3
I call it the "You guys like TOOL?"
amazingsandwiches t1_iwdkpl0 wrote
Reply to comment by TheRealHoagieHands in John Frusciante, 1990. Picture taken by Hideo Kojima. by SopaDeMolhoShoyu
I never said I overcame anything. I live in the bathtub now.
amazingsandwiches t1_iwd4sc9 wrote
Reply to comment by NateArcade in John Frusciante, 1990. Picture taken by Hideo Kojima. by SopaDeMolhoShoyu
He was 20 years old here. I think I was still wearing diapers at that age.
amazingsandwiches t1_iwd0mzz wrote
Reply to comment by Qirawee54 in My sister and I in the late 90's (date on the picture is wrong) by mandabearpiggy
I can smell them. It's ruining my coffee.
amazingsandwiches t1_iuadnjh wrote
Reply to comment by Lumbergod in eli5: What are freemasons and why are there so many conspiracies about them? by SovietCyka756
Steve Guttenberg
amazingsandwiches t1_iu54x4g wrote
Reply to comment by Purtz48 in TIL bicycle brakes in the UK are reversed from the US and Europe by UlisKromwell
As ordained by The Ministry of Silly Biking.
amazingsandwiches t1_itzl0ne wrote
Reply to comment by slow_work_day in TIL: The famous Alaskan sled dog "Balto" was preserved in taxidermy and is on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Ohio. by alex6219
It's definitely how stuffing works.
amazingsandwiches t1_itzh5k5 wrote
Reply to comment by gto1969jdg in TIL: The famous Alaskan sled dog "Balto" was preserved in taxidermy and is on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Ohio. by alex6219
The Cleveland Art Museum is - it's one of the best in the world!
amazingsandwiches t1_isew411 wrote
Reply to comment by steffgoldblum in TIL the Madvillainy album by MF DOOM and Madlib was made with just a $13,000 budget and a contract that was written and signed on a paper plate. by GoodSamaritan_
Bought it on a whim, too.
amazingsandwiches t1_iwz512n wrote
Reply to comment by ZSpectre in Ben Affleck on the set of "The Voyage of the Mimi" in 1984. by IdyllicOleander
Well don't just leave us hanging; I'm on a raft in the middle of The Pacific!