
axc2241 t1_je0kca6 wrote

It certainly was frustrating at the time but I did understand their position due to Covid. The infuriating part was instead of telling me they were putting things on hold with Covid, they ghosted me and I had to pursue them to find out what was going on. This is after the V.P. told me I got the job.


axc2241 t1_jdyd26s wrote

I had one one for a product manager job 2 years ago that had roughly 8-10 interviews and took ~15 hrs if you count my travel time to go interview with someone who was 1.5hrs each way. They just kept saying "hey, 1 more person would like to speak to you". This included being asked to meet with the V.P. which was a 2 min. meeting with 60 min of driving time.

I eventually was told I was the selected for the job but before I got their official offer, Covid shut everything down and they didn't fill the position.