
bigsoftee84 t1_j5fof00 wrote

You're going off off laws that you know from your state and not the place the incident took place to frame this in a way that fits your opinion, not me. A single drink is enough to get some people drunk. Guess the bars in your state don't serve anyone under 120 lbs.


bigsoftee84 t1_j5fb1wy wrote

All the server has to say is that they didn't look visibly intoxicated. It seems that you assume the person was visibly intoxicated, I'm not seeing that in the article. So, again, I'm having a hard time finding how the liability is on anyone other than the driver.


bigsoftee84 t1_iu9f5wr wrote

Edit: didn't read the user name.

Oops, thanks for letting me know, been a while since I did any 3d work. I used to use unreal, had a bunch of made and purchased assets.

I can sort of rig, I'm pretty good at modeling. I was working on textures before I put everything in storage and moved.


bigsoftee84 t1_ithgyqx wrote

Excellent shot. We have like a dozen different types kicking around the state of Maine. I've got a massive grove of white birch, a couple small ones of river, some yellow/paper kicking around.

I've always got almost a zebra like effect from white birch groves, the bigger they are, the more disoriented it makes me. I love it, only time I've been lost in the woods was because of a huge grove of white birch. Like stepping into another dimension.