
bobby_j_canada t1_iy1l5g8 wrote

There's a kernel of truth in the complaint that small businesses don't necessarily treat their workers any better than MegaCorps do. MegaCorp HR will randomly lay you off because of some number in a spreadsheet somewhere, while Small Business Tyrant will get all up in your personal life and badmouth you on the local Facebook Group if you're a "difficult" employee.

Both types of businesses will also happily underpay you (small biz because they don't have the revenue to pay you decently, MegaCorp because they can get away with it and another spreadsheet tells them they should underpay you).

It's sort of similar to the mom n' pop vs corporate landlord discussion. Both can be bad in very unique and different ways.


bobby_j_canada t1_iu2bvs2 wrote

If you take I-90 into town at 7-8pm on a Saturday it shouldn't be that bad. It's worth a couple of bucks for the toll to save yourself the aggravation. You'll just be driving down a highway, get off on to Nonantum Rd (which just runs along the river) and then only have like 3-4 blocks of actual "city" driving to your destination.


bobby_j_canada t1_itxvi6v wrote

Prop 2.5

Every town wants to hook a bunch of big fish commercial developments to pay for the schools and roads at commercial tax rates. Even better if you get enough commercial tax money that you can lower the already-low-by-national-standards property tax rates on your long-term residents (who are the only people that reliably vote in town elections).


bobby_j_canada t1_itiz08f wrote

Equal Exchange in West Bridgewater, MA isn't as fancy as these recommendations but they're pretty unique in that not only are all their products sourced through fair trade, but Equal Exchange itself is a worker-owned co-operative.