
bortvern t1_j9qlgx0 wrote

It may not be impressive, unless you consider "how" the answer is derived. When you search Google, you'll receive information that pertains to the question you have asked. Google searches an index of some kind and provides links to the most relevant sites it can find.

When you ask ChatGPT a question, it generates a response by referencing the model that was used to train the algorithm. It is true that it's predicting the next tokens in the sequence, but it also demonstrates at an understanding of the world that search engines do not exhibit. This is why, at this point, large language models are subject to fantasy, they get math wrong a lot of the time, and only get a "C" on some university level physics questions. It is also why, in the near future, they will improve and surpass human abilities on most tasks.


bortvern t1_j9orlhe wrote

People are deriding ChatGPT now saying, "it answers Physics questions like a C- student." Which actually means it answers Physics questions in a way that might earn a human a degree. Something completely unthinkable just a few years ago. And this is February 2023. This is the first of many iterations that will improve and inevitably surpass human abilities in a general way. Remember search in the 90s? It wasn't anywhere near where it is today, and AI is ramping up a lot faster than search did.


bortvern t1_j6je90w wrote

I recommend doing what you like to do. Understand that AI incorporation into the workforce will happen quickly, but it won't be overnight. There will be many roles that will be "AI augmented," before they're completely transitioned. Study something you're genuinely interested in, then worry about that fits into the workforce when you're ready to get a job.


bortvern t1_j5tjk9e wrote

It's kind of an inherent problem with being wealthy. Most people don't make enough money to make "tax optimization" a worthwhile endeavor, but at a certain point the money saved by minimizing tax liability far outweighs the money spent getting there. From the perspective of the wealthy, they are compliant tax paying entities, and any perceived inequity is the problem of the lawmaker.