chamberofcoal t1_j9v7yk5 wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why do people get treated way worse for killing a police officer in say, a car crash than if they killed a random stranger? by Impressive_Pound1363
A lot of people live in a separate world where the police are batman and they're actually stopping crime.
chamberofcoal t1_j9u0sfh wrote
Reply to TIFU by cursing in a college class by Bigdaddycool985
good god, someone put this on r/iamverysmart
chamberofcoal t1_ixoze9f wrote
Reply to ELI5 why does there appear to be universal law that’d when things happen frequently they aren’t intense and when things happen rarely they are intense? by MeeMeeMo0Mo0
I mean, conditioning. The first time you swim is fucking terrifying, but once you realize it's not that hard to not drown in still water, it's not that scary.
But this isn't really a universal law - hunger and food, for example. I get intensely hungry every day and feel the same intense relief. It never ends. I get the same intense anxiety in new social situations every single time, and I have to do that a lot at my job. I also used to be a heroin addict and I got the same intense sickness and the same intense high, as long as I could afford it, every day.
I think the real answer is just the concept of "normal."
chamberofcoal t1_ixoyhvm wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why do people say OOP? by code_ninjer
OP can refer to the original commenter in a thread, in context of a post with a lot of conversation. So OOP in the same comment refers to the original OP, the person that posted the... Post.
chamberofcoal t1_iujtds7 wrote
Reply to comment by Likelionsdo68 in LPT: If you don’t have children and plan a trip or activity with parents that are bringing young children, carefully consider how much time you may end up spending alone or catering to children on the trip and prepare accordingly. by theyhaveitsoeasy
They're literally saying to reconsider trips with parents and kids because you shouldn't have to make concessions.
chamberofcoal t1_ir5ng7l wrote
Reply to TIFU By committing to NoFap has lead to a dramatic change in my sexual activity. by [deleted]
You need to accept that you are sexually attracted to men. That's fine, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. You're beating yourself up and seem to be in some clear denial. It's fine, dude.
chamberofcoal t1_ja51xdi wrote
Reply to TIFU by breaking up with my GF on valntines by [deleted]
read the first sentence and realized you're a rotten piece of shit. nobody is going to tell you it's okay. wallow in your guilt, fucker.