
coreywindom t1_j283yql wrote

Everybody wanted to complain and say that the US military needed to pull out of Afghanistan without thinking about what we were actually doing there. We are the ones that removed the Taliban from power and it was our presence in Afghanistan that prevented the Taliban from regaining power. So now the question that needs to be asked is…. What’s worse, Taliban oppression or a couple thousand US soldiers?


coreywindom t1_j1xner1 wrote

And Russia still fails to understand why so many of their neighbors fear their aggression and seek NATO membership. Joining NATO ensures that all they need to worry about is empty Russian threats. The secret to relative stability in your region is not being a dick and bullying your neighbors.


coreywindom t1_j1ozsww wrote

I think biological immortality is possible, meaning halting the aging process and people no longer dying of natural causes but living forever is impossible. I don’t think humans will ever leave the solar system and at some point our star is going to die