datagorb t1_j34j9we wrote
Reply to comment by 420spaceship in Data IS versus Data ARE. Glad to see more search results for the grammatically-correct phrasing. [OC] by prettyhugediscer
You’re right and you should say it again
datagorb t1_j34izt8 wrote
Reply to comment by JPAnalyst in Data IS versus Data ARE. Glad to see more search results for the grammatically-correct phrasing. [OC] by prettyhugediscer
I’m a data professional and I absolutely agree with you, hahaha.
I’m also constantly torn between whether I collect “Walkmans” or “Walkmen” or “Walksman.”
And I change my pronunciation of “data” all willy nilly.
datagorb t1_j2xhp44 wrote
Reply to [OC] Data visualizations on r/dataisbeautiful based on the top 100 upvoted posts of 2022 by Metalytiq
Glad to see the pie chart so far down on the list, lol
datagorb t1_jdnun8c wrote
Reply to LPT: Check all your stored hard drives and CDs/DVDs at least once a year. And never have only one type of backup. You could wind up losing everything. by bigdicksnfriedchickn
I used to work at a small Apple retailer on a university campus. One day, a student came in to ask if we could restore a bunch of files that she had lost when her computer crashed. She had clearly been crying before coming in.
Turns out, she had lost all of the photos and videos she had with her mom, who had recently passed away.
We were able to get the files back, but we didn’t give her the computer back until after we made her swear that she would make multiple backups of them.