It's conceivable that two people would start a Netflix movie at the exact same moment, watch for an hour and then pause at the exact same moment for pee break and exchange the same words (maybe in a diff language) with a household member and then start playing again at the same time. I wonder if Netflix has any data on this - not the conversing part but all else.
david_leaves t1_j26hyx8 wrote
Reply to Ever wonder if anyone else on the globe was ever watching the same exact show at the same timestamp by Double-Working1990
It's conceivable that two people would start a Netflix movie at the exact same moment, watch for an hour and then pause at the exact same moment for pee break and exchange the same words (maybe in a diff language) with a household member and then start playing again at the same time. I wonder if Netflix has any data on this - not the conversing part but all else.