
dream_monkey t1_jbt87v7 wrote

My ex-wife found three kittens in an alley behind her work that had just been born. We brought them in, this was circa 2010. I named the calico Marjory Stewart-Baxter. She grew up to be the fat cat of the litter. She is mean-spirited and will claw anyone who tries to remove her from her pearch. The gray cat we named Jeremy Fisher but we call him Geronimo. He is the most sensuous of the cats, he will rub and claw and lick very insistently. The runt of the litter was an orange Tom cat we named Hubert Cumberdale. He was “my” cat. He loved me the most and was always jumping in my lap. He was the education kitty because he spent the most time jumping on my computer and printer. Sadly, he died in 2018. The other cats are still with us, watching, judging, and waiting.