dystopika t1_j5ealy9 wrote
Reply to PsBattle: A flat black cat by QuicklyThisWay
dystopika t1_j56xps5 wrote
Reply to PsBattle: swimming mask from 1920s by chandssss
dystopika t1_j4tsp21 wrote
dystopika t1_j4m4ddq wrote
Reply to comment by PizzaVacuum in PsBattle: man laying on Squidward Tentacles lap. by marktherobot-youtube
It's all Photoshop + After Effects. This is a tutorial I made a while back (originally for an exploitative site that I think people should avoid called "hitrecord"), explaining the basics of my animation process:
Some of it's out of date (especially the site-specific stuff) but those are the basics. I know a small handful of tricks that I use in different ways to create all sorts of animations. There are definitely better and more in-depth tutorials on YouTube that you can find to do just about anything you can imagine.
Photoshop Battles also has a tutorial page full of basics for picture editing, including After Effects:
dystopika t1_j4li3du wrote
dystopika t1_j4i1imf wrote
dystopika t1_j4fr8zh wrote
dystopika t1_j4bzz0a wrote
Reply to PsBattle: octopus eggs by EmmaStonewallJackson
dystopika t1_j4b1njl wrote
Reply to PsBattle: Two cats sleeping. by thabiiighomie
dystopika t1_j4asygs wrote
Reply to PsBattle: A Motion Sensor. by Caraotero
dystopika t1_j3wsmq6 wrote
dystopika t1_j3rbmh1 wrote
dystopika t1_j3qn4lr wrote
dystopika t1_j3py6t5 wrote
Reply to comment by kiwigamer2021 in PsBattle: Cardinal flying directly at camera by WowThatsRelevant
It's all Photoshop + After Effects. This is a tutorial I made a while back (originally for an exploitative site that I think people should avoid called "hitrecord"), explaining the basics of my animation process:
Some of it's out of date (especially the site-specific stuff) but those are the basics. I know a small handful of tricks that I use in different ways to create all sorts of animations. There are definitely better and more in-depth tutorials on YouTube that you can find to do just about anything you can imagine.
Photoshop Battles also has a tutorial page full of basics for picture editing, including After Effects:
dystopika t1_j3nnrzq wrote
Reply to PsBattle: this ice cube by evdczar
dystopika t1_j3kb4x3 wrote
dystopika t1_j3fw9ba wrote
dystopika t1_j3e51cb wrote
Reply to comment by Familiar_Sound6466 in PsBattle: This street lamp by Sllabkcussdomttider
It's all Photoshop + After Effects. This is a tutorial I made a while back (originally for an exploitative site that I think people should avoid called "hitrecord"), explaining the basics of my animation process:
Some of it's out of date (especially the site-specific stuff) but those are the basics. I know a small handful of tricks that I use in different ways to create all sorts of animations. There are definitely better and more in-depth tutorials on YouTube that you can find to do just about anything you can imagine.
Photoshop Battles also has a tutorial page full of basics for picture editing, including After Effects:
dystopika t1_j3dfpta wrote
dystopika t1_j36n2mg wrote
dystopika t1_j2w6tw6 wrote
Reply to comment by WetCoastLife in PsBattle: Wild mushroom rising up from the ground. by ExoGeniVI
dystopika t1_j2v6vwo wrote
dystopika t1_j2qb4kn wrote
dystopika t1_j2mbz7m wrote
Reply to comment by WetCoastLife in PsBattle: Brazilian policeman with an anti-drone gun by swracerep1
dystopika t1_j5kepmt wrote
Reply to PsBattle: wide eyed kitty by Squab77