
giddygoat2769 t1_j8v3it3 wrote

except that after a couple of years of touting the vaccine it's obvious it's useless and possibly dangerous to many. Almost everyone getting the virus now have been vaccinated multiple times, so it didn't stop the spread or the transmission or the ability to get the virus.

Also, what about the time Joe Biden and Jen Psaki said" we don't have the authority to force anyone to take a vaccine" and never would mandate something like that. How did that randomly change.

What happened to "my body, my choice"?

or the fact that so many people working in the medical field during the height of the virus were working fearlessly and being called heros, when no vaccine existed and then vile and fired when they refused the vaccine.

There is too much uncertainty here, and many lies or wrong information given to the public. No accountability for the BS. People need their lives back and NOW.