
gothaggis t1_iuhy6sk wrote

I wasn't a fan of the bands, but the Save Your Soul tent at the rooftop was great. I liked the pre pandemic one where they had people like Dan Deacon and that smaller stage (where the bluegrass stage was this year). I am still not comfortable going to packed large indoor events and I'm pretty sure this is going to be a covid super spreader event lol.


gothaggis t1_iqw1z2w wrote

In the past year, I believe state employees have had something like an 8% raise (cola and merit - so less if you didn't meet merit goals) - with another 4.5% coming in november. Previously, I think the last raise was .5% before the pandemic (and I may be wrong, but I don't think there was any raise the previous few years before 2019) I think the state is very worried about losing employees due to generally low salaries compared to private industry.