
gregorydgraham t1_iwl9o7w wrote

Classical liberal are the party of merchants, entrepreneurs, and the nouveau riche. They believe in free trade and freedom of labour (to move to their factory). They’re against workers rights, subsidies (right up until they need them), and entrenched aristocracy.

Classical conservatives are the party of landowners, established monopolies, and old money. They believe everything is just perfect and will enact miserly changes only when forced to.

Classical Labour/socialist are the party of the little guy. They believe in freedom of trade, freedom of labour, and freedom of movement. They’re against the other 2.

Believe it or not, none of these exist any more. All we have now is Neoliberals, Reactionaries, and closet neoliberals. And the Greens, I suppose


gregorydgraham t1_iwkynxx wrote

I don’t think “balls to the wall” is sexual but don’t use it anyway. Most people I know think it refers to male genitalia even if it doesn’t actually.

“Full send”? Go nuts. I have no idea what it means but it doesn’t obviously reference a taboo. If any one asks, say “it’s a climbing term” as they use “send” to mean a completed climb


gregorydgraham t1_iwfpig8 wrote

“I don’t think” - this is weak, you need to pump it up with “only an idiot thinks”

“Worked well” - this is an obvious weasel word (albeit a compound one), avoid slipperiness with “worked at all”.

“They may work better” - this is both weak and weaselly. Try “they only ever work”

“But that may be rare and doesn’t seem to be definitely the case here” - Ay caramba! Do you kiss your girlfriend with those lips? Even “but I don’t think so” would’ve been better


gregorydgraham t1_itb9e8e wrote

From the article:

“Thoms was released from immigration detention immediately after the court issued its judgement. … The court found immigration laws did not apply to Thoms, who was a recognised native title holder.”

Thoms is “recognised native title holder”, that is an Aboriginal, who was in immigration detention, that is being deported, and the Government did their utmost to get him deported.

Quibble if you want but Australia deported Aborigines.