
hawkwings t1_j1z3rzk wrote

That was an issue with the Addams family movies. The movie producers paid the comic strip artist who created the characters, but they didn't pay the people who produced the TV show. There was a bunch of stuff in the TV show that was not in the comic strip, so the TV show people sued the movie producers and got some money. Gomez had no name in the comic strip; that name was invented by the TV people.


hawkwings t1_j1u0j5r wrote

Many humans believe that they know how to hire the best candidate, but they may be wrong and different humans disagree. How would you evaluate AI? How would you know if it is making good or bad decisions? Is the NBA biased against whites? Just because you hire a disproportionate number of people from one group, that doesn't mean that the hiring system is unbiased.

One problem with cities passing laws like this is that cities are easy to flee. If bankers flee NYC, then there will be fewer people eating at NYC restaurants which will lay off restaurant workers. A city can go into a death spiral where it tries to fund everything with fewer taxpayers.


hawkwings t1_j1cx59a wrote

This would be the same as viewing the past. I don't know if that qualifies as time travel. When you look at stars, you are looking at their past. Betelgeuse may have already blown up, but we don't know it yet because light from the explosion hasn't reached us yet. It is 642.5 light years from Earth. Holograms are usually visible, so I'm not sure what definition of hologram you are using.


hawkwings t1_iyt9co3 wrote

It seems to me that you need to test all forms of memory including being able to remember things that happened 20 years ago. You also need to test intelligence. If you only test one specific type of memory, you can't say that there are no side effects.


hawkwings t1_ivr4q9r wrote

In addition to workers being fired, you also have workers not being hired. Suppose that a company builds a new factory and hires 100 workers, but in the past, they would have hired 300 workers. That's 200 workers being replaced by robots without anyone being fired.


hawkwings t1_ivpj2zw wrote

As I understand qualified immunity, you can't sue individuals, but you can still sue police departments. If my understanding is correct, I think that qualified immunity is a good thing, because it prevents rich people from harassing poor people. Trump has threatened to sue many people. I don't know if Louisiana is different.


hawkwings t1_iugeiww wrote

When Obama ran for reelection, he bragged about killing Osama bin Laden. Trump wanted to do the same thing when he ran for reelection, so he killed somebody. I don't think that he cared that much one way or the other about General Soleimani. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia may have been OK with him killing a Shiite.


hawkwings t1_itvbamg wrote

If you offer free housing, a bunch of non-homeless people will apply for it. Many adults live with their parents. If you bought a farm and built a giant apartment complex, they would have homes, but they would be away from support services and jobs. Increasing the population of the exurbs increases the need for roads.

Many people don't despise the homeless; they just want them someplace else. I think that we need to reduce immigration -- both legal and illegal. If you build enough houses for everyone and stop population growth, then you can solve the housing shortage issue. If you increase the population, you have to build both more houses and more roads.