its_not_you_its_ye t1_ix001r1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The leap second’s time is up: world votes to stop pausing clocks by 1r0ut3
That’s just idiotic. It’s far more important when sunrise and sunset take place than when noon takes place.
Edit: I imagine you must live towards the south, don’t you?
its_not_you_its_ye t1_iv1nh5r wrote
Reply to comment by Dmacca666 in How a camel climbs a sand dune by westondeboer
I do not have a dead wife yet.
its_not_you_its_ye t1_iv11nt7 wrote
Reply to comment by Velocitta in How a camel climbs a sand dune by westondeboer
Hey, we all have our own kinks.
its_not_you_its_ye t1_iv0oeww wrote
Reply to comment by Galbracj in How a camel climbs a sand dune by westondeboer
It’s the same with my wife.
its_not_you_its_ye t1_iuiejpu wrote
You really need to make up a story about how long you were homeless for before being able to buy the materials that it took up build this house by hand one piece a day for twenty years… or something like that. Otherwise nobody will notice the post.
its_not_you_its_ye t1_iuend03 wrote
Reply to comment by Gemmabeta in TIL dunce caps were originally a sign of high intelligence and wisdom. Philosopher and theologian John Duns Scotus was a proponent of pointy hats as a way to funnel knowledge to the mind and his followers, called Dunsmen, wore them. By the 1500s the Dunsmen fell out of favor as “behind the times”. by Aequitas05
It is worth also noting, though, that while your comment applies to the origin of the tradition of the cap, the term “dunce” does trace back to John Duns Scotus. While he was a noted philosopher in his time, his followers were later seen as outdated thinkers during the Enlightenment, which is how the teen became pejorative.
its_not_you_its_ye t1_irf1ivs wrote
Reply to comment by GaussWanker in Astronomers find a “cataclysmic” pair of stars with the shortest orbit yet: The stars circle each other every 51 minutes, confirming a decades-old prediction by Additional-Two-7312
So, that role be 2 Jupiters, then
its_not_you_its_ye t1_ix3eqn3 wrote
Reply to comment by Dessamba_Redux in TIL: raccoons are native to North America, having been introduced elsewhere only in the 20th century. by acequark