TIL of a man in Iraq who hired an online agent to buy a lotto ticket for him in Oregon, and won 6.4 million. nbcnews.com Submitted by lazarus870 t3_11i867v on March 4, 2023 at 5:51 PM in todayilearned 60 comments 1,669
TIFU by not being able to understand what the hell my barber was talking about, and getting a line shaved into my head Submitted by lazarus870 t3_11uffy8 on March 18, 2023 at 5:28 AM in tifu 31 comments 79
TIL MCI owned 1-800-COLLECT for collect calls. A&T launched 1-800-OPERATOR to compete. People would misspell operator as "operater", which would be routed to 1-800-COLLECT. en.wikipedia.org Submitted by lazarus870 t3_z517qh on November 26, 2022 at 7:20 AM in todayilearned 11 comments 89