
mmphoto412 t1_j9l6fnn wrote

PWSA. It comes right to my house, on demand, without me having to do anything. It’s also affordable, they will sell me 1000 gallons for $14.64. Or you can go to a store and buy 5 gallon jugs at a cost of $500 for a 1,000 gallons.

Buy a quality filter that hooks up to your water supply. It’s a terrible idea environmentally and financially to use bottled water as your primary drinking supply.

Almost all bottled water is filtered tap water.


mmphoto412 t1_j6b5g5d wrote

You’re going to drop $4500/mo in rent and your worried how much utilities are going to cost you?? Gtfo, this shit can’t be serious!

Edit: Its possible this is the landlord posting this, trying to see how much they can rob people for.