
mmphoto412 t1_jcpyfvc wrote

Reply to comment by Namrepus221 in Arcrisure Stadium by Agreeable-Ad3111

a walk from station square to Heinz field is probably 20-30 min. Not a bad walk at all.

They gateway clipper usually runs a boat shuttle from Station Square to Heinz Field. I think its around $10 pp


mmphoto412 t1_jaijil1 wrote

They scrapped plans to do this, and to make it exclusively a cop playground. Meaning this property is no longer available for this. Someone posted this elsewhere in the thread.

Nonetheless, they would likely spend more on a replacement then whatever they would make on a real estate sale.


mmphoto412 t1_jaih1t5 wrote

I understand that point of view. However the city in the past seems to have a habit of selling valuable real-estate far below market value to someone who is politically connected.

Also, by the time the city buys land and builds another facility, they would likely spend more than whatever was made by selling the property.


mmphoto412 t1_jadonqa wrote

Reply to comment by konsyr in Viewing homes in the area by Ar30la

That’s not a jack post. That’s the post put in place when the home was built to support a steel beam.

Jack posts are put in later to prop up a saggy beam or floor


mmphoto412 t1_ja8rmmd wrote

If I was a landlord, I definitely would not install them. People, tend use them to dump all of their food waste down a drain, leaving a costly plumbing clog for someone else to clean up.

Edit, I have a friend who is a master plumber, according to him you would be amazed at what people dump down a disposal without a second thought.