
notgoodwithmoney t1_jeccuzt wrote

Ok, hear me out... Canton has an American Legion and it is exactly what you're looking for. It's not very new or updated but it does the trick. There is a full bar there and they will provide a bartender as well. You can bring your own food or catered from anywhere you like. It costs like $250 to rent for a day.

Funny thing is, it's located on the grounds of Canton High School. Congratulations

Edit: it might even be less to rent it and it holds that number of people easily. They are very laid back


notgoodwithmoney t1_jd48pur wrote

Ok, just cracked one open. This is a non refrigerated first taste:

Not really for me. It's got that initial flavor that I can't quite describe that ruins it for me. It's a similar initial flavor like some of the non fruit flavored ones (unicorn, magic, etc.) Something about that just doesn't work for my pallette.

I can't barely taste anything else after that except for a slight spiciness at the end that stays in your throat. It's not intense (and I know my next line is subjective) as eating an actual Jalapeno but the flavor and tingle are there.

For me, it's a 1/10. For reference, some of my favorite flavors right now are Raspberry 'ade, Lime, Grapefruit, Black Cherry, Orange.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk!


notgoodwithmoney t1_j9kem03 wrote

This guy fights tickets.

But seriously, they're right. I've never once lost an appeal even if I was at fault for the citation. Like you said, most of the time it's reduced and usually to a violation that won't increase your insurance. It's always a NO until you ask or apologize in this case


notgoodwithmoney t1_j93ybkd wrote

Reply to comment by Dry-Stop2000 in Daycare prices by PrincipleLarge2118

Diapers, boogers, accidents out of diapers, parents, other kids, sick kids, what if the child chokes? Or worse? Allergies? Lunches meals and snacks for how many? Gotta clean up? Disinfect, organize. Oh yea, shit ton of paperwork and red tape. Rightfully so, things need to be tracked for safety.

Yea, it's stressful. My partner is in the business and I can see from the sidelines. Parents are happy to pay for what she offers and her waiting list is extensive. It's not an easy job basically being a mother figure to multiple children.


notgoodwithmoney t1_j93wts4 wrote

Been laid off for almost a year here, dying to go back to work. I'm in the trades which are extremely busy but currently in our local union there are a few members laid off right now. Hoping it picks back up in the spring for us. Luckily our health insurance is still active during layoffs.