phayke2 t1_is5ls8v wrote
Reply to Lets you listen to cat purrs Whenever You’re Stressed–and can calm your cat too by coinagepills
This is cute and not knocking the website but are people really this insecure in everyday situations that they would need to hear a recording of a cat to calm down? That is like something Angela from the office would do. But at least they're her cats...
There was also a joke in the mighty boosh where he carries around a photo of a kitten to manipulate people. It's funny cause a gag. A website that purrs is funny and cute way to toy with your cat but I hope nobody actually needs this to function.
phayke2 t1_ir4kqb9 wrote
It's ok guys it's just cats
phayke2 t1_is65ggu wrote
Reply to comment by DonArgueWithMe in Lets you listen to cat purrs Whenever You’re Stressed–and can calm your cat too by coinagepills