
t1_iyqpzny wrote

Ask the question here. It gives good results, and can do follow ups if you ask it.

I got this answer plotting in your question:

>Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are computational models that are inspired by the structure and function of the biological brain. While they share some similarities with the brain, there are also some important differences between the two.
>One of the key differences between ANNs and biological brains is that ANNs are typically static and symbolic, while the brain is dynamic and analog. This means that ANNs are typically designed to perform a specific set of tasks, and their structure and function remain the same throughout their use. In contrast, the brain is constantly changing and adapting to new information and experiences. It is able to learn and adapt to new situations, and it uses continuous, analog signals to process information.
>Another key difference between ANNs and the brain is that ANNs are designed to process information in a highly parallel and distributed manner, while the brain uses a more hierarchical and sequential processing approach. In ANNs, many simple processing units (neurons) are connected together to form a network, and information is processed by the network as a whole. In the brain, on the other hand, information is processed by distinct brain regions, and there is a hierarchical organization of brain regions, with higher-level regions receiving input from lower-level regions.
>Despite these differences, ANNs have been able to achieve impressive performance on a wide range of tasks, such as image and speech recognition, language translation, and even playing complex games like chess and Go. While ANNs may not be perfect models of the brain, they continue to be an important tool for researchers and developers who are working on developing intelligent systems.


t1_iwfmwgh wrote

Bad link. FFS ALWAYS check if the links you post anywhere works! - I'm senior webdev and know the importance of always checking posted links. Learned the hard way.

I can with wizardry deduct the right url from the bad double url, but would be better if the link is corrected so anyone can view the link you posted.

EDIT: (If) you can not edit the OP then delete it and make new better one.

EDIT2: I need to register to read the paper!