
seanflyon t1_iyeyh59 wrote

The Ford F150 Lightning and Rivian R1T each can go about 2 miles per kwh. The Aptera can go 5 times as far on the same energy. You could fit maybe 50% more solar panels on a large truck (the Lightning is 30% longer, the R1T is 22.6% longer) so with the extra panels it could maybe go 12 miles per day in full sun. That could still be useful.


seanflyon t1_iyeerby wrote

Cost to enter is obviously an issue, but EVs don't have to be cheaper than ICE vehicles to be more appealing. Different people place different values on future money vs current money, but only the extremely stupid/incompetent place zero value on future money. If a car saves you $20k over it's lifetime you might only be willing to pay an extra $10k for that. If you are particularly short sighted you might only pay $5k. People who don't qualify for a ~$30k car loan are probably shouldn't buy a new car anyway.


seanflyon t1_ivfxvvw wrote

We are talking about adding less than 100 pounds to the roof, that is a 0% increase in loading. Requiring certified architectural drawings effectively outlaws solar on the roof of old buildings.

Walking on your roof is 100 times worse because not only is it more weight but it is vastly more concentrated.


seanflyon t1_iuoj714 wrote

As far as we know the Crew Dragon heat shield is actually capable of a lunar return, though that doesn't mean it could handle all aspects of that mission.

> “It’s actually designed for multiple Earth orbit reentry missions – so that we can actually do up to 10 reentry missions with the same heat shield.”

> “That means it can actually do at least 1 lunar orbit reentry velocity missions, and conceivably maybe 2.”


seanflyon t1_iuje4cc wrote

The last SpaceX (non-test) failure was in 2016 when AMOS-6 was lost before launch during a static fire. Since they retired the Falcon 1 in 2009 they have lost 2 primary payloads and delivered 1 secondary payload to the wrong orbit. They have had zero failures or partial failures in the last 100+ launches.
