
sooprvylyn t1_j087gvp wrote

So then not a legitimate word but in some backwards uneducated areas people talk funny? Got it, means my assumption about those people has been correct this whole time.

Edit: also, chaucer isnt a good reference for the modern english language seeing as how its not the modern english language. His work is pretty much unintelligible to any modern english speaker. Might as well be referencing some archaic german writer.


sooprvylyn t1_j03wabs wrote

The royal "we" ... what an asinine reply. Like it or not the real world exists in convention, and you will be judged for violating convention. You dont have to care or get on board, but if you dont it WILL effect your life negatively.


sooprvylyn t1_j03o5zh wrote

Yeah, and then we codified language into a single resource to agree on spellings of words, definitions of words and the lexicon so that we could communicate as effectively as possible.

Can you use 'aks' in casual conversation? Sure, people may infer your education level though. Can you use aks in formal communication? I'd advise against it for the same reason.


sooprvylyn t1_iyapr3y wrote

Yeah, i guess most redditors are too stupid to know russia invaded afghaninstan in the late 70s and into the 80s and got basically the same shit they are getting now in ukraine. Guess i shouldnt underestimate the idiocy of the average redditor.


sooprvylyn t1_iy9csxm wrote

Person who doesnt realize russia faught Afghanistan after invading it while the west helped Afghanistan oust them:"america faught Afghanistan and so i think you are an idiot talking about that conflict instead of the russian one im ignorant of"


sooprvylyn t1_iy9cgc6 wrote

Imagine being on the repair crew for that power infrastructure.....russia bombed this as a strategic war move to prevent ukraine from being able to function properly this sure they wont attack it again as you work to repair it.


sooprvylyn t1_is8leer wrote

How much chinese shit is in your house, mr high horse? Bet you choose cheap shit over being ethical yourself....but im sure youll find a way to say your purchasing decisions are big business' fault.

Edit: no reply huh, just downvotes? Thats what i thought. Hold a mirror up and people close their eyes. Reddit is so full of virtue signaling hypocrites without any agency over their own lives looking for shit to point their fingers at.
