
uuuge t1_j5mmsc0 wrote

Reply to comment by david_lo-pan in Found this while scrolling by Pvrb80

Not only is the registration fee hundreds of dollars cheaper on average, maine doesn't require an emissions test, and insurance is much cheaper as well, sometimes a thousand dollars cheaper per year or more.

As I said before, Maine is so backwater that whoever I'm arguing with lives in such an isolated bubble they have no idea how the world works.

Relax and fire up that wood stove.


uuuge t1_j5lxfxf wrote

What's ironic here is that a lot of CT residents register their vehicles in Maine because they save on vehicle tax compared to CT and the state is so backwater that their DMV still hasn't figured out how to fix the problem. It's been happening for like 30 or 40 years..


uuuge t1_j48myct wrote

Best 200 I ever spent. It records a 4 hour or so loop and then starts to record over itself. Any crazy shit goes down I just tap the button and it downloads it to my phone. Then I can upload it to YouTube or send it to the police.

I also have used it to get out of an insurance fraud case where a new york driver and his wife lied to the police about crossing into my lane and hitting my vehicle. I showed him the footage on scene and he wrote them a ticket, and I used the footage in court, and got my brand new 60k truck totalled and replaced no questions asked from their insurance company.

If you don't have one, depending on the state, it's your word against the other driver, and the insurance company will just do what saves them the most money.


uuuge t1_iy5whix wrote

A $10 credit is basically saying "fuck you peasant." It's also saying "I have no idea what money is worth because I just write checks and don't have to worry about paying my bills month to month, or year to year for that matter."

It's also amazing that the majority does nothing and seems to give less than a fuck about it. The majority.. i.e. the true ruling class if they knocked their heads together and figured it out.