
whyreadthis2035 t1_j0bjf82 wrote

Dammit. Good idea taking the app off govt devices. I didn’t know that would require an act of congress. I thought it was a straight up National ban. The problems are privacy laws and the straight up harm of social media addiction, especially for the young. Federal and state employee device controls are not really news.


whyreadthis2035 t1_ixue5vs wrote

Articles like this confuse me. War takes a toll on economies. For Russia, it’s literally the cost of doing business. For Russia, this was a choice. For Ukraine this is an invasion and survival is the focus. The people will do what they must to survive and when the war ends, they will rebuild (we hope). And then there is the truckloads of money being mad arming the combatants. Not new. Gotta be done…. But, wow.
