
wonder590 t1_j3tl98l wrote

The only hypocrisy in immigration is on the side of Conservatives and the Republican party, full stop.

Every Democrat administration has tried to make overtures to the right-wing to desperately try to come up with at least slightly better solutions to our absolutely broken immigration policy. Republicans block it every time- and simultaneously these pieces of shit will broadcast migrant caravans on repeat around every single election cycle, only to drop the coverage the day after the elections are over. Republicans own communities in red states are getting overrun with migrants and they STILL refuse to do anything about immigration that isn't just arbitrarily reducing the amounts of people allowed into the country because of their weird racial/political views surrounding non-white people predominantly voting Democrat.

This shit with busing/flying migrants to Liberal states is just the cherry on the shit sundae of hypocrisy. If Republicans wanted to change immigration to construct a systemic approach to evening out the load of receiving migrants I could respect that- but the fact that they've been denying any attempts on a Congressional level since George W. Bush and probably even earlier means the ball is in their court. Let people in border states like Texas vote for a Republican that actually wants change in immigration policy that isn't isolationist drivel- or better yet vote for a Democrat.

When people in these border states actually vote for real change and not inflammatory bullshit give the Democrats in Congress a call, otherwise miss us left-wingers with that bullshit.
