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[deleted] t1_jcv466s wrote



joost_brand OP t1_jcv4qur wrote

I'm not sure what post processing is but thanks!:P


[deleted] t1_jcv5xij wrote



joost_brand OP t1_jcv8r9n wrote

Ah I think I understand. It was entirely made in photoshop though:)


MostlySpeechless t1_jcvh7l7 wrote

Always a compliment when people think that drawings are actually pictures.

Great style! Def something I would hang up in my living room.


joost_brand OP t1_jcvibjc wrote

Happy you like it!^^ Yeah that's why I like to play around with minimalist elements and textures and stuff, if I focus too much on detailing it looks too much like a picture in the end, wich is cool, but not my thing:)