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Astral_Taurus t1_jecqrrg wrote

You're stunning and brave.


s_kimov t1_jee31y7 wrote

Can’t tell is this a sarcasm or not 🤔


GargantuanGorgon t1_jedbmvi wrote

You're defending Donald Trump's honor on Reddit with passive-aggression. Talk about bravery, get this man a medal.


ExpirationOddities t1_jeg23eo wrote

No idea why you’re being downvoted. The guy you replied to is a capitalist shill making light of the art.


TandT-artstudio t1_jedcdws wrote

Courageous! What courageous statement to reinforce the establishment narrative.

The is drawing great tho, despite its msm obedience. You should keep it up.


screegeegoo t1_jebwuba wrote

Is the tie supposed to resemble the flames of Hell? So Donnie always has a little piece of home ?


MadEntDaddy t1_jedtbu3 wrote

i thought it was his PANTS that were supposed to be on fire.


elevenminutesago t1_jecysjt wrote

It's iconic to the amount of ketchup and mustard stains he acquired during his time in office.


DancesWithCouch t1_jec9hh6 wrote

Beautiful. can't wait to see what kind of meltdown he's gonna have on Parlor. Someone should make a bingo card for it and include "incites another riot", "Blames someone else", "Starts new moral panic"


QweenLulu t1_jeeh6h2 wrote

Lovely art can't say much about the tie lol


Baebel t1_jeeqijz wrote

Couldn't help but laugh right away. This is great.


Deracination t1_jedu0sd wrote

I appreciate the subtle imagery.


praiseTMHalways t1_jedzqnc wrote

Very up to date art. Great drawing too. For anyone curious: Noam Chomsky - the crimes of US presidents.

Check it out on youtube.


joen00b t1_jeevw8c wrote

Hey, Donald. We're all laughing at you!


iamju5taworm t1_jefay21 wrote

Haha I love the knuckle-dragging Trump muppets downvoting all the comments.


Deaf-Echo t1_jegm7ca wrote

Awesome, do Biden and Clinton next when it’s their turn!


Hottitts257 t1_jefc30s wrote

It looks like some trumpanzees have come through here and down voted many of our comments, I guess we upset them. Now that their guy is going to jail they feel the need to lash out. Don't cry, he won't be in jail long, he'll be dead soon.


bestjays t1_jecw8dg wrote

Whoever made this must've had a reeeeaalll strong stomache.


bestjays t1_jeehsii wrote

Wow. Getting down voted for a Matilda reference, a children's book and movie, nice, guys you must not have gotten it.


ldspsygenius t1_jef4wyk wrote

I once quoted the Beatles and got voted down. Redditors don't read much. Your Matilda reference file over their heads.


theveryrealreal t1_jecx9mx wrote

Meh, another Trump loving artist. Anyone depicting this guy not fat and naked is giving him a sense of artificial dignity.


Illest7705 t1_jedkhzz wrote

Say hello to the next president.


82lkmno t1_jeciokk wrote



calvinball14 t1_jeccq1h wrote

every thread turns into /r/democrats if you wait long enough


GhoulArtist t1_jecnkk5 wrote

Let's be real here. There are a LOT more than just dems that hate this guy....


calvinball14 t1_jecofbb wrote

every sub. every thread. it's an infection.


GhoulArtist t1_jecovqf wrote

What is? Hating Trump?


calvinball14 t1_jecrc7n wrote

specifically, how the shameless, zero-principle, "current thing" neo-liberals on here find a way to shit it all over every sub and post.


Victor_Delacroix t1_jeellj4 wrote

As a leftist I too dislike liberals, but not for the reason you dislike liberals I can guarantee.


ldspsygenius t1_jef5k4j wrote

If you want to say the n-word with the other righties, Twitter is always there for you.


TandT-artstudio t1_jedcpeb wrote

It’s not an infection, it’s by design. I hope young people understand how the platforms they use reinforce the ideological left and censor the ideological right on purpose.


Das_Booj t1_jedufmb wrote

Literally the opposite, but go off scumbag.


TandT-artstudio t1_jeespwe wrote

Personal attacks rather than forming a competent argument. Typical.


Victor_Delacroix t1_jeeluoj wrote

The left does not want to kill my friends and family. The right does, all while preaching "Christian love" in the form of fascism. Pretty easy to pick which side I prefer to be on.


TandT-artstudio t1_jeesadl wrote

How can you even speak like that after what happened this week. That’s disgusting


Victor_Delacroix t1_jeet7ov wrote

I see I offended a Christian. taps mic Can you hear me in the back? The religious right is a cancer. You did not have empathy for any of the public school children gunned down. You do not get to pretend you have any empathy now. Especially when instead of supporting mental health and universal healthcare you want to support killing Trans people instead.


TandT-artstudio t1_jedcjav wrote

Yes, censorship of one side on a platform will inevitably lead to the reinforcement of the other side.
