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Skatterbrayne t1_je6rac4 wrote

I fully agree with your comment, but either I'm too high or I think you commented on the wrong post lol, I don't see the relevance


DetectiveDamnChan t1_je6zpw1 wrote

It's because of a recent story in the US where a principal was fired from a school because he didn't inform parents that this statue was going to be shown to kids; deeming it "pornographic" and "immoral"


Skatterbrayne t1_je7045s wrote

Ahhhh and the commenter was complaining about the complainers

I get it. Thank you!


Chckyrsix t1_je6zfmd wrote

Some people are so fragile, they can't help but drag politics into everything. Nothing to see here.


Criticalhit_jk t1_je794h8 wrote

No, it's about recent news about Conservative efforts to ban books and art, which resulted in a principal of a school losing his job for having imagery of this world cultural heritage statue present for something or other. It's what this image that OP shared is flogging as a joke, presumably, with a title like "easy fix". It's absolutely reasonable to comment on current events when this is basically a political cartoon at heart