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t1_ix5zjxu wrote

Struggled for over a year with my left arm, wrist and thumb tendonitis. Finally got most of it to clear up. Starting to maybe develop it in my right elbow now a few years later. So frustrating.

Anyways, your art speaks to me like few other pieces have. Excellent work.


OP t1_ix79bdq wrote

Thank you, I'm happy my work speaks to you even if it's through shared pain


t1_ix831mw wrote

It's insane how badly we can mess ourselves up just by doing activities that we enjoy. The old adage is true, life's not always fair. Hopefully, we can both be pain free one day


t1_ix7ogoi wrote

Ohhh I had the thumb tendonitis (de quervains?). It was so painful and disruptive. Thankfully the steroid injections were able to get rid of it but it took almost 6 months to resolve fully. Definitely feeling heard by OP's art.


t1_ix7xclg wrote

I've had issues with my elbows a lot.

My right thumb has something going on and it's no bueno.