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peasil t1_ixjt2is wrote

Glad I'm not the only one


Ihatemakingnameslol t1_ixjv87h wrote

it’s okay lol!!


peasil t1_ixjvhs7 wrote

With all the downvotes you would swear I said something outlandish


Ihatemakingnameslol t1_ixjvpaq wrote

To be honest, the way you said it originally made it seem like you were disgusted by the art or something. Tone seem less confused and more judgmental. I don’t blame you for not seeing it but also don’t blame the people misinterpreting it as hate.


peasil t1_ixjw5n0 wrote

How else could I of said it? The caption doesn't make sense if you see it as just a bunch of black lines and that's what I was seeing till you said it so I'm genuinely don't know how else to say it with out it sounding bad.


Ihatemakingnameslol t1_ixjweh0 wrote

I think referring to anyone’s art as just “a bunch of lines” seems demeaning to most people. “Wait, am I missing something? I can’t find the subject, or is it abstract?” Would probably be taken better lol.


peasil t1_ixjwom2 wrote

Okay thanks I'll keep that in mind