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DuelaDent52 t1_ixu5fq1 wrote

Or maybe they’re the ones who are whole because they have the self-awareness to define themselves after everything and everyone was turned to primordial goop.


Deathsroke t1_ixuafsv wrote

It all comes down to your personal views. Many times mainstream media shows something that many would consider heaven as "bad" and vice versa.

For many, being a digitalised ego in communion will all of humanity while residing inside what's basically a Matrioska Brain and enjoying eternity. But there is a certain fixation not to escape "reality" (the Rebuild movies are all about anti-escapism) within popular media so such developments are all presented as bad in general.

It is rare to find a differing view outside of scifi and even within sci-fi that's not the norm.


PM_YOUR_BOOBS_PLS_ t1_ixunqjj wrote

Yeah. That's definitely why Shinji immediately tries to strangle Asuka and Asuka calling Shinji disgusting when he stops. Definitely the actions of "whole", self-aware people.