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t1_izo6q0l wrote

Wow! There's a lot going on there


t1_izq871z wrote

I love the demon guy in the bottom left corner, furiously jerking off cause he couldn't get any action at the orgy.


t1_izobqf0 wrote

Big R. Crumb vibes. A perfect confluence of crude and craft!


t1_izqhk2v wrote

My mind went to Julie Doucet, who was really inspired by Robert Crumb, so I am not crazy.


t1_izpx67l wrote

This looks like the climax of an episode of Superjail. It's got that same "violent abstract nightmare" feeling.


t1_izqnmcz wrote

Well, I know Midjourney didn't make this one.


t1_izomdav wrote

This is very well done. The style reminds me of a book called The Big Book of Search & Find. So much cool stuff going on at once


t1_izokr8v wrote

Oh life on the outside ain't what it used to be


t1_izpej6l wrote

So start at one side and go in a nonstop marathon? I love this, you are a total maniac, this is amazing. it should definitely be a 70's record album cover...the one they recall and put a picture of the band over the original and people steam them off...


t1_izpkpn9 wrote

Beyond awful in every way possible.


t1_izqjxj1 wrote

I would imagine if Slaanesh had a palace, this would be hanging somewhere in it.


t1_izqxh95 wrote

9/10 not enough vulvas 👍

For real this is like some shroomed up Hieronymus Bosch


t1_izon3k7 wrote

Love this type of art, it's really expressive and everytime you look at it you see something new. Thanks for sharing it's my desktop background for a while! :)


t1_izpmj6v wrote

Whatever this is idk what I expected when I opened this post but this isn’t it 🫠


t1_izpof17 wrote

The color scheme harmonizes the illustrated chaos in a soothing way. It's relaxing to look at. (⁠⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠⁠)


t1_izq0exq wrote

I would like to know which drugs caused this and if this is sober art I am super impressed. Very impressive either way, I love the level of detail.


t1_izriobr wrote

I think the room with the bong with the skull on it is interesting


t1_izrk2su wrote

I love how much I hate it.

it looks like an artipiece for a antagonist that would be extremely satisfying to see the shit beaten our of them


t1_izrybij wrote

Your favor with Slaanesh grows..


t1_izs617b wrote

This reminds me of a Where’s Waldo! There’s one that’s just like this, but less dicks!!


t1_izsglyx wrote

This is incredible. It reminds me of some of the underground Where’s Waldo artwork. This is my favourite art I have seen in a long time.


t1_izpf5jd wrote

Even though it's not my boat, I can still appreciate the craftsmanship. I like it anyway!


t1_izq6imm wrote

The more you look, the better it gets


t1_izqjjdv wrote

One of the elements I always was fascinated in Dante's Hell was the 6th circle's city of Dis. It is protected, he says, by red hot iron walls, has the shape of a huge fortress, or something such. It's inhabited by dark priests and is filled with flaming tombs of heretics. Going through the city, you reach a stairway, I suppose, a passage that leads you to the entire inner circles of Hell. My hunch is, the artist has read Dante.


t1_izqm6qi wrote

Disturbing to say the least .


t1_izqnwtm wrote

Are you the artist for super jail cause god damn


t1_izrcrln wrote

This looks like something I'd see in a Fantagraphics book at work.


t1_izrcswp wrote

I’m so intrigued by this style, I need to see more.


t1_izrf7j6 wrote

Beavis and Butthead do American the scene where beavis eats the mushrooms and trips to Rob Zombie soundtrack


t1_izrfbkg wrote

It’s beautiful but I think therapy might be fun for you


t1_izrfvew wrote

So awesome dude omg. This is next level.


t1_izrge4m wrote

Not much artistic merit but well thought out and fun.l like the concept and construction of the whole.My go to is James Bama for beautiful art but there is room for everyone to express


t1_izrhqzu wrote

Looks like only the circumcised go to hell. Damn you John Harvey Kellogg!


t1_izrj4t7 wrote

This feels like my head when my depression and anxiety are kicking in at the same time. Awesome painting!


t1_izrlve4 wrote

Why is this actually insanely cool


t1_izrqfro wrote

Meh, I’ve been to worse larties


t1_izrurkm wrote

This reminded of the fold out artwork for an Iron Monkey album. It was done by a cartoonist called Mike Diana who was actually convicted of obscenity for his comics. Also very inspired by Robert Crumb I would guess. I really like this style and the OP’s artwork is a great take on it. Would love to see this as artwork for an LP gatefold.


t1_izscf7m wrote

Man, to spend one day in your head, a person would need therapy for years


t1_izsetav wrote

I can't wait until this is the end result of r/place.


t1_izsfnvu wrote

Me: "We want more pp-representation in r/art!"

: "I gotchu"

Me: "ehhhhhhhh... Nvm..."

(jk, I friggin love it. BRING ON MORE PP)


t1_izpxw2y wrote

Too many flames drown out vision. Can't see what's going on on in each little part of your painting because there's too much of the same shape blinding me.

This is constructed criticism, not mentary painful or mean, just telling you what I'm experiencing.


t1_izpz9fm wrote

I think it’s meant to be zoomed in on to see the details, since there are only a few things with emphasis. It’s how the style is supposed to be. Kind of like the how the Sistine chapel has a whole scene on it and there isn’t a space that’s not covered