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t1_j5fr8wm wrote

I love this piece, I feel like it could be an album cover


t1_j5gch5z wrote

I absolutely love this. Made me burst out in laughter. It's little face is very cute.


t1_j5habhu wrote

I’ve never wanted a piece of art so bad in my life


t1_j5jmsu8 wrote

Your piece is wonderful & thought provoking ❤️ Reminded me of this quote: Pablo Picasso famously said: “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."


OP t1_j5jn4to wrote

Ah thank you so much. It means a lot. Picasso is one of my favorite artists.


t1_j5g5n57 wrote

I'd love to hang this in my living room. Love the style and the kitty


t1_j5i8w86 wrote

I would watch an animated series in this style in a heartbeat!


t1_j5jq1qv wrote

Aww, my daughter wiuld love this, too cute!


t1_j5k5ta8 wrote

Have you considered doing puzzles with your pictures? This as puzzle would be to die for


OP t1_j5ke7gl wrote

Thanks so much. I wouldn't know where to start with getting a puzzle made. But I do love puzzles too :)


t1_j5kjgif wrote

Nowadays there are companies that will produce almost anything with your design, and you don't have to order thousands.. The question is whether the price you can sell it at will be worth the cost, but it might


t1_j5k8irc wrote

This cat is my spirit animal, I love it :)


t1_j5gx9dm wrote

I can't remember for the life of me what it's from. It reminds me of this like. Yodelling cartoon monster that has blue spiky fur and a completely round lips mouth thing, and it has horns