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msmonocles OP t1_j5w295u wrote

Hahahaha! Sorry that made me laugh out loud. I have never made paper myself but it is a goal of mine for this or maybe next year. I do believe there are a lot of online videos for if you wanna make some. Did your fly explosion come when you tried to blend your pulp? I hope you're adding enough water to it so that the paper bits don't catch on fire with the heat that the blender creates.


_of_The_Moon t1_j5wb74q wrote

Oh no! I can have flies and fire? Don't put this challenge in front of me!


msmonocles OP t1_j5wbvbu wrote

Oh my gosh I totally read that wrong 🤣🤣🤣 You meant flies, hahaha and not fire. I have no clue why and what I assumed and understood. Guess I need another coffee