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noha_thedestro t1_j6nbz0r wrote

Bare minimum. I'd rather they be in a 10 gallon. But 5 gallons is the bare minimum, and not abuse. It's like how you can can keep an angelfish in a 20 gallon, but it would be better to have it in 29 and up.

Large male bettas definitely need a 10 gallon, I'll give you that. Females and smaller males will be ok in a 5. Every professional aquarist on earth would agree with me that the bare minimum is 5, and that people who otherwise are elitists. People who like to wave their moral superiority over others.


Marsbarszs t1_j6nlfcc wrote

I’d go so far as to say 5 gallons are elitist speak too if they’re not wiggling at all. There are very few absolutes in the hobby of fishkeeping. I’ve talked to a few well experienced aquarists that say 3 gallons is the bare minimum for most and even preferable for older bettas as long as you never miss maintenance. 5 gallons is just what the betta subreddit says and gets parroted off.

3 absolute bare minimum, 5 gallon recommended minimum, 10 preferred minimum (for standard tanks) is what I was taught.

E: Guess r/bettafish is leaking here. Toxic bunch (seriously, one of the most toxic subs I’ve ever been a part of) who have to have things their way even if there’s no real basis for it - they sometimes push gross misinformation. And they always move the goalpost. Don’t fall into an echo chamber y’all. The only absolute in fishkeeping is that you need water.
