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V4ld1z t1_j397k2o wrote

Looks really nice! Love the colours and the composition. I'm wondering what your paintings look like today. Got anything recent to share?


bhavnamisra OP t1_j39awyf wrote

Thank you! I appreciate you asking - you may see newer works in my profile or at my website - all in bio 🙂🙏


V4ld1z t1_j39d2hl wrote

Looks really cool! There is a definite improvement, and it is immediately apparent that it's your art style. Keep up the great work!


bhavnamisra OP t1_j39eexl wrote

Thank you friend 🙏 Appreciate you taking time to visit my gallery. I try my best, learning and's an ongoing process. The positive encouragement helps in keeping the passion alive and well 🙏


V4ld1z t1_j39f21m wrote

Very well said. All the best to you! :)