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Mythrandir01 t1_j9th3nl wrote

I first thought the head was in an upright position, giving it a really derpy my little pony look with a mohawk as the jawline would be the snout xD. Looks awesome though.


Bodnaruc-Sculpture OP t1_j9topzb wrote

I can't see that😂😂 I tried, thanks tho


Bartholomuse t1_j9ve9pa wrote


Mythrandir01 t1_j9xwjcz wrote

Lol more or less though I didn't see a mouth there xD


nnuu t1_j9w4so5 wrote

I was so confused originally thinking it looked more like a rhino with a mohawk, and then my brain must have corrected itself and it was then I saw the horse.

Nice work btw OP, looks really good.